
Living Green In Your Home

Disposing of Garbage

PET bottles
The bottles have their own special bin (lids though are classified as regular plastic). However, PET bottles may not always be recycled so it is best to keep them for personal reuse or better still, not buy them at all.
I take mine to the local library, where they send it to a recycling place (doing it individually costs money). There are people who go around collecting it in vans - make sure of the destination of the paper, as they often burn it. Ask your supervisor or town association for the nearest recyclable paper collection point. Envelopes can be reused, and paper recycling can be a fun (albeit messy) classroom activity. You also might like to try washi, traditional Japanese paper making.
(Courtesy of Natasha, Echo article 1999, and Christina Reitano)
Aluminum and Glass
Collected separately and recycled.
Collected with the aluminum and glass.
Put in a special bin at large supermarkets such as Seikyo (Coop).
Milk Cartons
Wash, cut open, and put in a special bin at large supermarkets such as Seikyo (Coop).
Some prefectures have started collecting plastics separately from the "burnables". However - and this is disturbing - an activist who spoke at the International Green Network Japan conference in Tokyo last year (see the "groups" page for information on IGNJ) said that some areas dump the plastics in the ocean. It could be wise to find out whether your prefecture does this or not...
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